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System Integrations & APIs.

Business Automation.

Our Capabilities.

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API Integration & Management.

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Data Automation.

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Cloud Computing Platforms.

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Systems Integrations & APIs.

In the coming years, technologies that enable companies to automate repetitive tasks that were previously performed by humans will have a significant influence on operating models in both the private and public sectors. Given the huge efficiency and customer service benefits of doing so, businesses who do not adapt to and use these technologies will lose out to those that do.

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API Integration & Management.

It might be tough to find out which connection settings to use when configuring your email client, whether it’s on your server, PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or email host. One incorrect setup might mean the difference between your email reaching your client’s inbox and your entire company being banned by prominent email servers.

Reintitivity can help you with:

  • Basic Email Configuration.
  • Webmail Email.
  • Application/Device Set-Up.
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Data Automation.

Repetitive back-office activities and procedures may now be automated using technology.

Process automation is possible with enterprise solutions but it can also be done on a smaller scale using custom code written by our software engineers to automate certain activities or flows.

By enhancing the flow of real-time data between the business and its customers, data automation may also help to improve the customer experience.

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Cloud Computing Platforms.

Moving server workloads to Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows organizations to benefit from lower costs & enhanced security, resilience & agility.

Organizations can also build Cloud-native software on these platforms to create competitive advantage through lower server administration, reduced costs and with access to cutting-edge AI, automation & analytics.

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Systems Integrations & APIs.

API connection in modern software provides for simple data transfer across systems from both internal and external sources.

Reintivity has extensive experience orchestrating and connecting systems to optimize data flow across the organization, reducing data keying, improving reporting, and enhancing consumer data consumption through applications and portals.

Thoughts & Insights.

vCIO Services

A Virtual CIO is a distant or virtual entity, such as a contractor or a corporation, that acts as your organization's chief information officer. The Virtual CIO performs the same functions as a traditional CIO. They work with your IT department to develop strategic goals, budget plans, business process analyses, and technological improvements.

Use our technical expertise, provided as a Virtual CIO (vCIO) or Virtual IT Director service, to bring your most ambitious business ideas into action with fewer risks and lower costs.

Managed Software Technology Services

The concept of Reintivity's modern-day IT service is built on basic, tried-and-true techniques and practices, such as:

  • Regular maintenance evaluations of all IT equipment to extend computer systems' usability and performance.
  • Ensure that security patches and software upgrades are installed to protect the network and endpoints from both faults and threats.
  • Early detection and proactive monitoring to discover and address issues before they cause downtime and interruption.
  • Reporting and tracking to identify and replace faulty equipment.

Let's get started.

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